October 14, 2009

In 1969, Srila Prabhupada said in a letter to Madhvi Lata: "Best thing will be if you can engage your time and energy fully in chanting and in painting nice pictures. You are very talented girl, and you can paint very super excellent pictures, I have seen it. Now the thing is that we are opening new branches all over the world, and we require so many pictures in our temples so that people may come and see and be attracted by the beauty of Krishna. That is needed. The people today are fascinated by so much of the glimmering so-called beauty of the external energy, and there is necessity of seeing beautiful pictures of Krishna and His devotees and His Pastimes, in order to attract them to the spiritual process. So this is a great service, and there is urgent need for such paintings. Our Jadurani has done so many nice pictures, and they are distributed amongst our temples, but still there is shortage of supply. And she is now sick, and unable to work very swiftly due to her health condition. So I request you to simply sit down wherever you are, and paint nice pictures for being distributed to all centers. This will help you, and it will help others as well."

The depth of the character and beauty of the Lord and his representatives is so nicely brought out through the artwork of the devotees. Becoming drawn more and more to such art, we can be carried far beyond the realm of mere material beauty and feeling. I have posted some examples here. These two paintings and the photo of the diorama are the outpourings of the bhakti of devotees I know and serve with, and that gives the art even more meaning to me. Works like this are so captivating that one can feel perfectly happy meditating upon them continuously, without any desire to relish anything else. That is the perfection of the eyes. The arts and cultural activities within Krishna consciousness enhance our spiritual practices and make it easier for anyone to become naturally situated in devotional life.

Color, excitement, and emotion are all originally there in the spiritual world within the pastimes and hearts of Krsna and His devotees. Prabhupada has so mercifully brought that world to us and is allowing us to serve within it. It is dynamic and ever fresh. Let us pray that we are never drawn back into the world of illusory happiness and misery.