August 26, 2009
I just read this nice story narrated by Srila Prahupada:
"Krishna is full. Why is he begging? He’s begging for your love. That’s all. Whenever Krishna wants some service from you or begs something from you, it does not mean that He is in need of it. He is not in need of it. But He is in need of your love because you have forgotten how to love God, how to love Krishna. There is a story that once a sannyasi went to a householder for begging. They are not beggars, but they introduce themselves like that so that the householder may receive and take advantage of his knowledge. So one beggar went to a householder, and the housewife said, “Oh, this beggar has come to our door. Give him some ashes.” So the sannyasi replied, “All right. Give me some ashes. Just begin your charity.” Similarly, Krishna, when He asks, “Give me a little flower, a little fruit, a little water,” it does not mean that He is begging. He is just introducing me to the practice of offering everything to Krishna." Lecture in Montreal, 17 August 1968.
Anyone who has Deities is so fortunate to have Them presiding over their house or temple, eagerly awaiting our offerings of love and ever ready to reciprocate with our humble acts of devotion. Krsna consciousness is so simple, and we can see from what Prabhupada is saying here that even with just a little endeavor one can take a giant step forward on his journey back to home.